Sunday, August 12, 2018

Ink(lings) Artistry Relaunch

       Hey every body!  I'm still around and enjoying my 3 yo granddaughter who is the joy in joyful to her Nanny!  We've had a lot going on in our family in recent years - my gorgeous granddaughter being the good part of it - and the last year in particular has been just horrendous!  But I've a friend who is launching a brand spanking new website for cardmakers and papercrafters to purchase some of of their favorite stuff.  (Stay tuned for more updates on her store launch.)  If you're in the Triad area of NC, we've got some card classes coming up on August 25 & 26 where we will be rolling out her new on-line store!  I'll be doing some designing for her store.  I'm really excited about this opportunity for her and for me to get my mojo back!  It's always inspiring to see a friend follow her dream!  She's a good friend and talented lady herself so stay tuned.  I've got several posts getting ready to go up.  Keep checking back or sign up to receive notices of my new posts!  To tickle your craftiness, here's a quick pic of my creative mess from my craftroom!

Many Blessings to All

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